Sunday, September 26, 2010

Into the Fiery Furnace (Attack of the Stink Bugs, Part II)

I didn't really think that I was one to have a vengeful nature. Honestly, I really try to get along with people. I guess the key word there was "people". Bugs are another thing. They are not people. And I think I may have some revenge issues with the bugs going on here.

This post could also be called the "Battle of the Bugs". You see, since Friday, we have had a 20 degree drop in temperatures outside. This past week we had temperatures in the high 80's several days. Then Saturday was quite a bit chillier, more like typical fall around here.

Today we got up for church and it was pretty chilly in the house. We try not to turn the furnace on this early in the season, so we generally deal by putting a sweater on or building a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off.

When Carl saw me with my sweater on after church, he declared me "bundled up" and said,"Why don't you build a fire?"

"Why don't you build a fire?". I mean, him being the pyromaniac and all.

So he built a nice toasty little fire, and heated the house up beyond toasty. Now we were sweating. Meanwhile, here come the stinky little critters again, the stink bugs. Not one or two. They just kept coming. And coming.

Carl left to take Brianna to orchestra. He came back for a few minutes. Then he left again. Hmm. Nice time for me to settle down and do some reading and maybe some blogging.

No sooner do I sit down than I see two stink bugs. Now I am bothered, but not too much. Not in the mood for messing around, I get a napkin, squish the bug, and throw it in the fireplace. No sooner do I sit down again, than here come 3 more. Sheesh. Five. That's a lot.

Okay, get another napkin. Squish bugs. Throw in fireplace. Done.

Sit down again.

So I don't bore you (more than you already might be), just repeat this sequence...say about 20 times. I am

Now I'm getting "orked", as Carl likes to say. As I put them in the fireplace, I think I'm so clever, sending them off to "bug hell"!

But they apparently thought it was the fiery furnace, and Jesus must've been in there with them. Because for every one I put in the furnace, 3 or 4 came out of the fireplace.

By now, at least half an hour had gone by, and my anticipated peaceful afternoon had been shot to you-know-where (excuse me while I go kill a bug). Anyways, as I was saying, how can one get any creative juices flowing while these stinky bugs buzz around and crawl above my head?

Oh, by the way, the other day when the house was entirely quiet and I sat down to do my bills at the kitchen table, I heard a rustling sound coming from the fireplace. I thought there was a bird stuck in there, or maybe a mouse or a chipmunk had gotten in there. I don't like to ask for trouble, so I took the if I ignore it, it will go away approach. I have this funny feeling it was not any of those, but rather our friendly stink bugs dropping in for a visit.

I think we're in an all out war now. I killed 2 while writing that last sentence. Am I being punished in some weird way for sending these bugs to their doom? What would you do? Do you have this problem too? Maybe I'll go visit Arizona until the weather gets cold. I hear they don't have any bug problems there!

*Note: I think I have killed at least 50 bugs while writing this post, no lie! And I'm looking at 3 more while I sit here. Gotta run!


dianne said...

Sorry to laugh but this is rather funny. I think God perhaps sent you my share, since I had my hands full this summer. Besides, we had the birds (in the stove), the sick cat, the dog's eye . . . I'm just saying!

Hope they self-destruct soon. I can't imagine K loving them much.

The Glenns said...

lol. I would move....out AZ. No bugs.

Christie said...

Any improvement yet? This is one thing I am not missing about autumn in Pittsburgh this year.

Fishing Without Worms said...

Just sharing, I killed one yesterday and one the day before!It's February 2011. You know...gently pitched down the toilet! Miss reading your blog! Love you,

Anonymous said...

If you need a stink bug fix check out There are lots of pictures there and on facebook of customer traps. They work great!