Sunday, November 25, 2007

Our Hodge-Podge Household (Part 1)

I'd like to introduce you to my family, and brag on each one in turn, of course!

My wonderful husband of 12 years is Carl. He is a plumbing and mechanical genius who recently started his own business. It keeps him busier than we'd all like, but he provides for us well. I am always amazed at him. He is also a terrific dad to our 5 children. Writing about him in this way makes me take the time to think about all that he does and why I love him so much.

1.He is always willing to do the dishes.
2.He is always willing to change a dirty diaper...well, most of the time!
3.He can make me laugh so hard sometimes, even when I don't feel like laughing!
4.He finds the time to play with the kids, even when he is dog-tired.
5.He is truly a WYSIWYG kind of guy. No pun intended. He's just himself.
6.He is a hard worker and good provider.
7.He loves me in spite of all my faults.
8.He is amazingly creative when it comes to building and designing things.
9.I love how smart he is with math and plumbing. IMO, he's one of the best in his profession in our city!
10.He always makes sure the kids save me something to eat!

Well, that's all for now. I'll post about the rest of the fam later.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Hey kiddo, so glad you're doing this! and what a sweet post about Carlo!

Love you.