Mom - Debbie
Pretty, spontaneous, organized, and lenient
She is the mother of Brianna, Travis, Corey, Kaylee, Jeremy.
She cares when things don't turn out right.
She smiles when I'm nice to my brothers.
She worried when my Pap Pap had to go to the hospital.
She laughs when I don't want to go out to eat with my pj's on.
She cried when she knew she would have Kaylee.
She pretends when she says we are having "schmooga booga dooga" for dinner.
She surprises me when she says, "Let's go to the zoo."
She hugs me when I come home from school.
She is proud of me when I get good reports.
She understands me when I'm sad.
She loves me all the time.
Happy Mother's Day!
Jeremy also pulled a nice little pot out of his backpack, wrapped up in a sandwich baggie: a pansy, a bit limp from sitting in his backpack all weekend. But with a bit of water, it has now revived. I look forward to planting it in my flower bed soon.
With the help of his teacher, Travis(6) also wrote down some thoughts for Mother's Day.
My mom can do many things! I think she's best at "cocing" (cooking), "she can do many uthr thigs" (other things).
My mom is smart! She even knows "how to red a book" (read).
Enhanced with some nice drawings of me!
Corey(4) decorated a t-shirt at preschool with his handprints, making flowers on the front. He also painted a pot and planted some seeds in Sunday School.
Brianna(10) swept and mopped my floor today for me. She also cleaned my bathroom sinks and toilet with such a sweet spirit. She did a fantastic job. She is becoming quite the little homemaker.
Kaylee(8 mo) was just her adorable little self. None of us could imagine our home being without her. She brings such joy to us all.
Carl bought me a new broom and dustpan and a gift card to Borders, with the promise of watching the kids so I can spend a couple of hours there. Carl insisted on taking us out to dinner tonight where we met his mom and dad. It's always a treat when I get a break from cooking.
I cannot say enough how blessed I feel to have 5 sweet, loving children who are growing up so nicely, and a wonderful husband with whom I get to share all these blessings. Thank you all for making my day so special. It is nice to be remembered and appreciated. Thank you, Lord! I am counting my blessings today.
5 comments: sweet. Sounds like a very good day!
How encouraged you must be when you read words of love and see love put into action from your children and Carl.
You are one blessed woman and I am doubly blessed because of you,Di, and all those wonderful grandchildren.
Love, Mom
Hmm, maybe that's my problem. Maybe I need a new broom and dustpan. Maybe I just need to borrow Brianna!
I wanna have a beautiful family like you, congratulations!
I can't wait until my kids are old enough to do things like that, though their daddy does a pretty good job of giving me gifts "from them" now anyway.
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